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5 Reasons to Repaint Your Car Park Lines

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Car parks, like any other part of your business, do require some periodic maintenance. One of the more important but simpler of these maintenance needs is repainting the car park lines.  1. Increase Safety A well-marked car lot is simply safer compared to the alternative. Crosswalks can help pedestrians navigate the lot with less danger from moving vehicles, for example. Cars will know which direction to drive through the lot, which will minimise the chances of a collision. Read More»

Reasons to Paint the Outside of Your Commercial Premises

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If you’re running a business, you might be considering repainting the building’s exterior so that it’s attractive and appealing. To discover reasons to undertake such an upgrade, consider the following points. Look Successful An old, washed-out facade can discourage people from entering your business—it can give the impression that your company is unprofessional or inefficient. A fresh new exterior, though, will create the pleasing image that everything is in order and that the company is thriving. Read More»